Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Adoba Acrobat Issue

Error:Missing PDF Maker files
      Do you want to run the installtion in repair mode
                    Solution: Enable PDFMakerOfficeAddin from the Microsoft Office application’s Disabled Items list.
Open the Microsoft Office program (Word, Excel, Publisher, or PowerPoint).
Click the Office button, then click the [application name] Options button.
Click Add-Ins.
From the Manage dropdown list select Disabled Items and click Go.
Check the list for PDFMakerOfficeAddin:
If it is listed, then select it and click Enable. Close all dialog boxes and restart the Office application
If it is not listed, then make sure that PDFMOfficeAddin.dll is located in the ‘…/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 8.0/PDFMaker/Office’ folder. If the file is missing, then reinstall Acrobat.
Note: Microsoft Office Applications disable add-ins as a failsafe if the application is prematurely closed (for example, if the system wasn’t shut off properly or the application crashed).

Symantech Endpoint Protection manager log deletion

1.  Log into Symantec Endpoint Protection manager
2.  Select Monitors
3.  Select Logs
     Log Type:  Computer Status
     Use a saved filter: Default
     Time Range:  Past 3 Months
4.  Click View Log
5.  Highlight the infected computer and click "Clear Infected Status"
6.  Log out and log back into SEPM to see